Friday, July 31, 2009

Little Girl Lost

The Little Lost Girl

A little girl and her mother went shopping in a very large mall one afternoon. After being in a major store for some time the little girl grew tired and sat down on the floor to wait for her mother to finish the shopping.

While she watched the people moving around her, the little girl's mother moved on to another department not knowing that the little girl didn't follow her. Soon the little girl realized that her mother was nowhere to be seen and she started to cry.

One of the clerks soon heard her and came to ask her why she was crying. The little girl sobbingly told her that she had lost her mommy. The clerk took her by the hand and they set out to find the

lost mommy. After a few minutes had gone by the clerk had an idea. She asked the little girl if she thought that her mommy would recognize her voice, and the little girl nodded her head.

The store clerk took her to the counter and lifted her up so that she could reach the microphone to the store's PA system. The clerk told her to talk into the mike and her mother would hear her voice and come to get her. The sweet little girl held the mike close to her mouth and with tears running down her cheeks and a sob in her voice she said: 'I would like to bear my testimony. I know this Church is true."


1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Short special church story and it sounds true to me.