Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Independence Day 2009
Marilyn Johnson

I was surprised and happy when I answered the doorbell early in the morning a few days before the Fourth of July. Two fun loving nine year old twin boys, named Garret and Taylor Gavin, were grinning at me with funny oversized false teeth . They were with their mom Amy Marie to surprise us.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Independence Day. Amy and I take a fun scrap booking class together. Amy had made a red white and blue Independence Day card attached to a bag of, red and white candy.

We proceeded to the back yard. The boys played with our dog Dolly, and had fun on the half painted swing set. Then we headed to Kay’s fish pond to see the new fish he had just purchased. We proceeded to Kay's vegetable garden to see the baby hummingbirds in their nest.
Then they all rushed off to pick up the two teen brothers at their football practice.
It still brings tears to my eyes when I see the Star shaped red white and blue decorated bag of candy.

God Bless America !

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