Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Great Grandchildren Are Precious And Welcome

Hudson Reeder 10th Great Grandbaby, born in 2009 to Ryan and Stacy, fun visit Summer 2010
Katie's an especially good beautiful mom!
James Taylor Christensen, 11th Great Grandchild, born in 2010. Mother Ashley was surprised when Grandma Marilyn got out this cute quilt for James to lay on. She got down on her hands and knees in delight to see how they made the quilt. She bought the same material in California and is going to fix the nursery in this design.
Kyle, Ashley, Grandma Marilyn, and baby James had a wonderful visit.
Grandpa Kay came home just in time for a three generation photo. Kyle is in the Navy now studying to be a dentist. Stacy's a stay-at-home mom.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Thanks for the visit Kyle Chistensen and family. Nice to have you in my computer to show Grandpa Kay Love Grandma Marilyn