Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kay's Birthday Parties

Kay's Birthday Party 1978
We invited family and relatives.

Marilyn is painting the furniture blue to get ready for the party.

Grandson Cody trimmed the bushes and did other yard work.

Heather Bailey, our oldest granddaughter, and our great grandchildren, Madelyn and Eliza came the day before the party to wish Happy Birthday to Kay.

Grandson Cody's wife Jen came a day early to wish Grandpa a Happy Birthday and to give him a kiss on the forehead!

My masseuse came and gave short massages to the guests.

The Senior Center friends enjoyed coming too. Kay works there several days a week to help them with heavy things and make shelves and tell jokes.
Grandpa Kay's 81st birthday and only two daughters, Debbie, and Rachel, could come. So we wouldn't be lonesome, we invited the neighborhood and friends. And this year, 95 people showed up for the ice cream and cake party.

We invited lots of friends new and old from the community, and our LDS Church. This is a new family that just recently moved here.

The Powelson family just moved here from Canada. He's a pharmacist at Fernley Wal-Mart. Sometimes Summer and her children come to a wading pool party with other children during the week.

Grandpa's birthday kiss from his daughters admist the twinkling lights as it got dark. We saved cleaning up the tables and putting away the chairs for the next day.

We were tired, but happy as we sat down to say goodbye to the guests as they were leaving. Daughters Debbie and Rachel laughed even harder when they said "We forgot to light the candles and sing Happy Birhday!" The people were just arriving so fast the little children sat on the quilt in front of the ice cream table and were served first. Then off they ran to the swing set and sandbox and we just stayed busy serving ice cream and cake and visiting.

The next day, Kay's girls took us to the Wigwam and they remembered to bring Kay a piece of cake, ice cream, and a candle! And, the help came and sang Happy Birthday to Kay. Kay's four daughters worked at the Wigwam for many years to save money for college.

Ruby Brodie joyfully brought four of her great grandchildren and we enjoyed visiting with Ruby and her family. Ruby is one of Kay's oldest friends.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

This was a fun birthday party. Gratefull for Wesley to come and help me learn how to put pictures in this blog. We have put in dozens of blogs so far. Hope I can learn how to do some of these computer things befor they move.