1.) We have fun when the Johnson family get together. Heather Christensen Bailey was riding on Grandpa Kay's old scooter and asked me to help her up the stairs because it was her turn for the scooter. But she was so curious about the tole-painted front door. She wanted to know how Grandma Marilyn did it.
2.) Heather is the first granddaughter (6-24-80) and she wanted to know about my big old glasses on Grandma.
3.) Grandma Marilyn, daughter Debbie Reeder, and Cody watching the 4th Of July parade in downtown Fernley, Nevada.
4.) Grandma Marilyn, daughter Cheryl, and her three children.
5.) Grandpa Kay was sitting for a picture with his grandchildren. The phone rang, and Grandma Marilyn had to sit in!

1.) Kay & Marilyn's first date! It was Christmas 1975, and Kay took me to a church party in my ward, and he knew all the people there. I asked how come, and he said he went to Kintergarden all through college with everyone.
2.) Grandma Marilyn, daughter Rachel, and her first son Michael Allred. (8-10-81)
3.) Linda & Jay Graham around 1983 in Grandma Marilyn & Grandpa Kay's back yard.
4.) Grandma Marilyn on vacation with Allred family.
5.) Linda & Jay's wedding pictures. Wonderful day!

1.) Marilyn Jackson and Kay went to California to get a wedding license but they closed early, so Kay took me to see his favorite place to go fishing. We tried again the next day, but had to take time off of work.
2.) Wedding day 1977, we had a civil marriage ceremony at the Temple.
3.) Wedding day at the Temple for time in all eternity, October 14, 2005.
4.) Celebrating one year anniversary. Kids made a cake just for the fun of it.
5.) Reno Temple 2005, with family and friends

1. Kay gave me a crown of flowers and a beautiful bouquet. The sun was bright so I wore my dark glasses, but the wind kicked up a storm.
2. Marilyn and Kay at the Reno Temple October 14, 2005. Love is eternal.
3. In 1977, we both had dark brown hair, and no grey streaks. 28 years later, our hair has turned white! We got married again in the Reno Temple on October 14, 2005, for time and eternity. The kids were all happy about that!
4. Our first great grandchild, Max Bailey, was born in December of 2004, and what joy he brought into our lives.
5. The new Reno Temple was high on a hill in Reno, and beautiful inside and out.

1. First Sunday after we were married in the Temple, it was picture time! Dressed ready for church. From left to right, Rachel, Cheryl, Marilyn, Linda, and Kay. Debbie was married and we saw her at church.
2. Linda went off to college at the BYU, and we went to visit her. They took us to a pretty lake so Kay could look at the fish.
3. Day after the wedding, we had to take Bryan to meet his new doctor that was going to do surgery on his left ear. He had been in an accident and it broke a bone inside of his ear, so he could not hear. We set up an appointment two weeks later for the surgery.
4. We had a birthday party in the back yard, and invited all the relatives. The girls had written a song to sing to him. Cheryl and Bryan accompanied them with their guitars.

1. The wedding reception was at Kay's brother's beautiful home, Max and Maria Johnson. After all the people went home they took pictures of us sitting in their plush bedroom. After the kiss, Kay said "Honey, I have a hole in my stocking, could you fix that too and give me a haircut tomorrow?" By the time we took care of the kitchen cleanup of cake and ice cream, we looked around for the kids but couldn't find them. All nine had disappeared. We were tired, and needed help, but we collected all the gifts and put them in the car. Then we realized we had two cars to drive home. I was not used to driving an hour to Fernley, and it was very dark. Kay reminded me to pull over whenever I got too tired. The first stop was about 15 minutes down the highway. As we got out of our cars, he hugged me and said "Guess what? It's a lunar eclipse!" We took pictures of each other and started the journey home. I was tired and it was dark, but Kay was patient as I went a little slow. When we got home and unl0cked the front door, the kids all said "Surprise!". They had decorated the living room and told Kay he had to carry Marilyn over the threshold. We weren't angry anymore because they weren't there to help us. The joy of this united family was good for all of us.

1.) Virgil Kay Johnson married Marilyn Paulson Jackson, August 9. 1977 in the Oakland, CA, Temple for Time civil marriage. we had nine children between us. Six children made it to the Temple ceremony. All nine made it to the reception at Kay's brother's home. Max and Maria Johnson, Reno, Nevada.