Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Debbie & John Reeder had us to dinner, John is a wonderful chef and two grandsons Cody & Ty came too. Ty gets teased for looking like Clark Kent. He laughs but hasn't changed to Superman yet! Debbie & John, Ryan, Cody, & Ty are the only family that lives in Fernley, Nevada. The boys have grown up and are out on their own. So glad Debbie and John are still here. They invite us often to family dinners.
Denise couldn't wait to finish eating and picture time so she could go and change to her golfing clothes and practice her putting. She just made the team. It was freezing cold, terrible wind, but she loved every minute of it, and so did we.
Happy Mother's Day From The Wilkersons
Donnie Wilkerson & Jannette with flowers. The flowers were from the table and made it fun for my camera to take pictures.
Denise & Grandma Marilyn
Brad & girlfriend and flowers
Denise, girlfriend, and flowers.
Cheryl Lynn Wilkerson now works as a certified chef. Had fun making orders for all of us, and earning money to continue going to college.
All of our nine children remembered me on Mother's Day. Phone calls, live flowers blooming from Bryan, letters, and brunch and dinner.