I have lots of pictures of Madelyn because she likes to pose and has fun in her tutu and crown that Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Kay gave her.

Christmas 2009
We enjoyed a delicious dinner Sunday the 20th at the Reeders’ home. Grandson Cody and his wife Jen were there and Ty our youngest Reeder grandson. Friends Kaye and Ron Brown were there to celebrate the season also.
Debbie and John were planning to leave for Saint George, Utah, on Christmas Eve to be with their oldest son Ryan and wife Katie and their First grandson Hudson born on Dec 12, 2009
Christmas eve afternoon we left cold snowy Nevada and drove to warm Nevada City, CA. . We left in the afternoon and the roads were clear and the traffic light. It was a blast to visit and play with the six great grand children. They brought their parents to take care of them. We sat back and rested as we watched the fun activities. Another wonderful dinner and then the little ones were put to bed, while we helped santa put many present under the tree.
Christmas morning was a joy to watch the little ones open each present and play with it. They often asked their parents how to run the movable toy. Kay and I had never seen such interesting toys. The rocking horse not only rocked back and forth but had music and other sound too. Madelyn got a kick out of the tutu and crown that we gave her. We got a lot of pictures of her because she liked to pose for us.
We were blessed with a computerized TV two way talking set up from Taylor Christensen who is in Bulgaria, where he is serving a two year mission for the church. It is amazing how that works. The left of the TV screen had a small picture of us as we talked to him. He answered lots of question his mom and the rest of us asked him. What a blessing we have to be able to talk to him so far away.
It took all morning to open the presents, because the children had so much fun playing with each gift. Then a delicious brunch and fun conversations around the table.
We had to leave in the afternoon before it got dark. It was hard leaving this Christensen family and all the six children and their mates and grandchildren and great grands.
We drove on clear roads but there were lots of cars on the hiway. It was off to the Wilkersons’ home before dark in Reno. Thank heaven for cell phones so we could let them know when we were arriving. It was cold and there was a lot of snow back in Nevada, but we will need the moisture and the summer flowers and trees and drinking water.
I realized I had left my camera in the Christensens’ house. we called again on the cell phone and they found it and Heather said she would bring it to me Monday on their way home. Kay let me borrow his camera “ nice guy I’m married to” We were greeted again by another family and friends. The Wilkersons’home was beautiful and there was a lovely tall christmas tree with lots of my hand painted ornaments I have given them over the years. Don and Janette had fixed a delicious dinner with all the trimmings. Janette had just finished a year of redoing the inside of her home. The kitchen was out of this world. It was fun visiting with our three grandchildren, Cheryl, Brad and Denise. Brad’s nice girlfriend twas here also.
We ate delicious horsd’ouvres and visited. The conversation was interesting, finding out what our three grandchildren are doing. Brad is working with his dad in real-estate, Cheryl is working as a chef and Montreux and going to school and thinking about teaching. Denise is sixteen and has her drivers license. Melinda, our daughter, is working for a doctor doing the books. She made the delicious desserts. Dinner was served and I was so hungry, I forgot to photo the table and the food., but is was wonderful. I gave Janette and Melinda each a copy of the 14 pages of stories of my paintings in a book I started last year. They got a kick out of them.
It was dark when we started home. We were a bit nervous about Dolly our Cocker Spanial, she had been locked up ever since we left. Oh! was she happy to see us. Our neighbor Sharon said Dolly howled and whined all Christmas Day. We were glad to be home and into our own bed.
These pictures bring back happy memories. We are so lucky to be in pretty good health and enjoying the holidays with a bunch of our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.