Thanksgiving Holidays and a touch of Christmas 2008, rolled into two days. Over the mountain to Nevada City to Cheryl's home. She is on the left, with Kaitlyn next and Amy (Ashley's daughter-in-law), Heather, oldest of Cheryl's children. She is holding Madeyln who wants to have help making her sticker book I gave to her. I'm sitting holding great grand daughter Eliza. 6 adults are wearing the snowman shirts I gave them for Christmas. It was picture time and Grandpa Kay did a good job. I feel like it is Christmas anytime we get together with family.
Love Is Eternal,
Grandma Marilyn
P.S. Had a full, cut head, went to hospital in an ambulance. Got a pacemaker and now programmed for 4 or 5 years before I need a new one. Another blessing, I'm grateful!
Happy New Year!
Special thought of the day: "We only have this MOMENT, sparkling in our hand and melting like a snowflake."
-Marie B. Ray-