Cheryl's November Birthday Blog
by Grandma Marilyn Johnson November 2008
Cheryl, My new goal started in October 2008. I decided to feature a child one at a time in their birthday month. Only one of our nine children was born in October. That month was easy because Melinda was born on Halloween. I said, “It was easy!” with a smile on my face.
The first time you start something new? Well I would have quite but my computer teacher Wesley comes one day a week and teaches me what to do on this computer. It is still a challenge, but an exciting adventure.
I’m having fun seeing the pictures I have collected over the years bring Memories and Personalities and love for each child I write about. The pictures really tell the story. Hopefully family and friends will look at the blog with you, and celebrate your birthday. Enjoy this time of the year of Thanksgiving and be thankful for our many blessings. I had trouble finding any pictures of you alone, you were always with someone. You really are a people person.
Love Is Eternal
Grandmother Marilyn
Grandpa Kay corrects my spelling and enjoys picking out his favorite pictures too.